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  • nzalpineteam

South Ridge Aiguille Noire de Peuterey

Updated: Jan 8

Advice & Beta

If the route is completely dry it would be possible to simply go with running shoes, no crampons or ice axe would be required. If however there is snow on the route like we had an ice axe and potentially crampons will be essential. For gear a single rack with cams to 3 and a single set of wires, 6 quick draws is sufficient. If the route is dry there will be little or no places for you to melt snow for water so factor this into how much water you carry on route. There is a good chance to get lost on the descent if your doing it in the dark. With daylight the line is well marked with cairns so you shouldn't have to many problems. 2 x 50m ropes are necessary for many of the abseils. There are many bivvy spots on both the way up and down so finding a good ledge to sleep on will not be a problem.

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